Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bonnie Fitch Ponders Price of Fame in Barn's "Bees"

Bonnie Fitch (far right) as one of her many crazy characters in "Bees"
PHOTO by Jan Cartwright
What is the price of fame?  In As Bees in Honey Drown, glamorous con artist Alexa Vere de Vere lures her many “marks” by appealing to their greed for fame, glamour and the good life.   But she does so with such flair and style, it’s hard to know whether to despise or admire her. 

In the Farmington Players production (February 8 – 23 at the Barn Theater), Bonnie Fitch plays several supporting roles, including two of Alexa’s victims, Denise and Illya:  Denise is Alexa’s new mark.  Bonnie sees Denise as “a bit naive and totally enthralled by Alexa’s charismatic tales of fame and fortune that she promises for Denise.”  Illya is one of Alexa’s former marks, who is “quite a successful dancer and has Alexa to thank for it even though she was ‘taken’ by Alexa.” Bonnie thinks Bees is about “the absurdity of Hollywood and the ‘price’, literally, people will pay for the chance at stardom.  The funny thing is, that in real life, we all strive in our careers or life for a chance to be recognized or accomplished.  And perhaps we all need a little ‘Alexa’ in our lives.” 

Bonnie describes her other characters: Waiter who is “very interested in the conversation at the table she is waiting on;” Backup Singer whose character is “fun to play in a wacky classic rock and roll costume;” Carla, a producer or agent type who “knows of Alexa’s reputation as a con artist, but knows her marks usually have successful careers after falling for Alexa’s shenanigans;” Newsstand Woman, who is “quite bothered by having to actually look for a magazine for Evan;” and Muse, who is “a variation of Alexa conning her marks.”

With so many roles to play, Bonnie relies on costumes, wigs, and different voices and mannerisms to develop her different characters.  As she says, “I have played multiple roles before in other shows, but this show is one of the more difficult I have played, especially Illya.  Her dialogue is not conversational and she isn’t really reacting to others on stage with her.  It is as if she is part of a ‘Greek Chorus’.”  Bonnie considers Bees “a sophisticated comedy that is a little different than your usual run of the mill comedy.  The audience is in for quite a treat if we do it right.  The con artist sets up a successful con upon a new mark like she has done many times before.  But this time the ‘conned’ writer tries to get back at her.  And the old adage ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity’ comes to light.”

Bonnie grew up in Southfield, and now works as a municipal city attorney for the City of Southfield.  As Bees in Honey Drown has nine performances at the Farmington Players Barn Theater from February 8 – 23.  The show is proudly sponsored by Ameritax Plus.  Tickets are available online at or by emailing or calling the Barn box office at 248-553-2955.

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